Choose from over 100 data points and build custom insights on your users.
Give loans to New-to-Credit customers and analyse if they can pay back their EMIs on time.
Use over 20+ fraud indicators to reduce uncertainty when underwriting your customer.
Know what your customer earns, where they spend or invest.
More than 95% accuracy in financial indicators
Easy setup in under 24 hours
Industry best pricing
Multiple output formats—XML, JSON, XLS
Raw JSON data
"account": {
"profile": {
"holders": {
"holder": [
"name": "Raju Shankar",
"dob": "1998-08-24",
"mobile": 9827277171,
"nominee": "REGISTERED",
"landline": "2427710",
"address": "Bangalore, Karnataka",
"email": "",
"pan": "KEKPH1726Y",
"ckycCompliance": true
"type": "SINGLE"
"summary": {
"pending": {
"transactionType": "CREDIT",
"amount": 40000
"currentBalance": "35000",
"currency": "string",
"exchgeRate": "string",
"balanceDateTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"type": "SAVINGS",
"branch": "string",
"facility": "OD",
"ifscCode": "string",
"micrCode": "string",
"openingDate": "2019-08-24",
"currentODLimit": "string",
"drawingLimit": "string",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"transactions": {
"transaction": [
"type": "CREDIT",
"mode": "CASH",
"amount": 0,
"currentBalance": "string",
"valueDate": "2019-08-24",
"txnId": "string",
"narration": "string",
"reference": "string"
"startDate": "2019-08-24",
"endDate": "2019-08-24"
"type": "deposit",
"maskedAccNumber": "string",
"version": 0,
"linkedAccRef": "string"
Visualised insights
You can use Setu Insights to understand your customers’ financial data. You can output these insights in the format of your choice—JSON, XML, XLS—or view all data on Setu’s dashboard. Get started with our quickstart guide here.
As long as you’re live as an FIU on the Account Aggregator framework, you can go live in less than a day by integrating with just two APIs.
Setu currently supports bank statement analysis. In the coming weeks, we will add support for analysing securities data, insurance data and a host of other data blocks present on the AA framework.