Setu KYC

Verify individuals and businesses with ease

Verify users to disburse loans, make payouts, enable stock or crypto investments, and more. Get the best uptimes and availability. Integrate easy-to-use APIs, or embed pre-built screens.
Verify users to disburse loans, make payouts, enable stock or crypto investments, and more. Get the best uptimes and availability. Integrate easy-to-use APIs, or embed pre-built screens.

Businesses already using our KYC stack

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Start on our API Docs →

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Simplify verifications for individuals or businesses

Get better conversions with superior UX, industry best response times and great pricing.

Choose from multiple data blocks

Reduce fraud early on, with our modular KYC verification bundle.
Bank account verification

Easily verify private, public, current or savings accounts.


Access pre-verified government documents, even for new customers.


Get customer details with compliant Aadhaar verification.


Use one API for individuals or businesses to instantly check details from NSDL.

Serve use cases for your business

On-board and verify your customers—whether you lend to individuals, have an investment or insurance platform or serve other businesses.
Provide insurance
Reduce fraud with PAN and bank account checks prior to insurance offers
Enable investments
Let users sign up quickly with PAN or Aadhaar, before they invest in stocks or mutual funds
Verify businesses
Validate business customers’ bank accounts before making payouts
On-board for online commerce
Verify sellers on e-commerce platforms with PAN/Aadhaar and bank account details
Verify gig workers for food delivery or transport
Validate driving licenses, check PAN/Aadhaar and verify bank accounts
Power digital lending, BNPL or credit
Verify borrower PAN/Aadhaar and bank account before loan disbursal

and more use cases

The best experience for customers and businesses

The simplest UX

Quick verification using a variety of data blocks.

Low-cost on-boarding

Affordable on-boarding with digital verifications.

Comprehensive sandbox

Sample test data and detailed explanations for response codes.

Compliance first, always

Compliant with UIDAI guidelines and data privacy norms.

Need other data based products?

Get rich financial data on customers or let them eSign with in-built Aadhaar verification.

Setu eSign gateway

Integrate India’s best Aadhaar eSign experience


What is Setu KYC?

Setu KYC is a bundle of products that you can easily integrate with to verify your customers, whether they are individuals or businesses.

The bundle offers multiple types of verification blocks—bank account verification, fetching DigiLocker documents, Aadhaar verification and PAN checks —from which you can choose one or more that suit your needs.

With the Setu KYC bundle, you only need to work with Setu, but can make use of multiple data blocks that you need to integrate with.

Who does Setu partner with to identify or verify customers?

Setu works closely with multiple certified government entities like NSDL, UIDAI, Digilocker and provides verified data only.

How do I choose between API integration and pre-built screens?

By default, we offer simple REST APIs for integration and provide responses in JSON. You can refer to our API Docs and start testing APIs once you have the clientID and clientSecret for your organisation.

However, some data blocks, like Aadhaar verification or bank account verification, require a user to complete multiple steps on screen(s). In such cases, Setu provides an alternative to API integration with customisable pre-built screens.

Our pre-built UI connects to our APIs and can be customised with your branding. Some default benefits—

  • Cut integration time

  • Manage desktop/mobile responsiveness

  • Handle error/success scenarios

We also continuously work towards improving this experience to suit the needs of your customers, with minimal clicks and redirections.