
Fetch verified documents from government sources

Use DigiLocker, a government-backed digital wallet for citizens to access official documents.
Use DigiLocker, a government-backed digital wallet for citizens to access official documents. Users can store Aadhaar, PAN, driving license and more—all of which are considered equivalent to physical copies.

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Fetch government-approved documents with user consent

Filters out fraud

Get pre-verified documents directly from government sources.

Serves all customers

Easily fetch documents for new or old customers of DigiLocker.

Analytics for conversions

Access analytics specific to a user’s verification status.

Flexible output

Fetch output as PDF, JPEG, XML or any other supported formats.

Combine DigiLocker with Setu Aadhaar verification for redundancy, better uptimes and higher success rates.

View Aadhaar OKYC ↗
Successful verification includes—
  • Name on Aadhaar

  • Masked Aadhaar number

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Complete address

  • Father’s name

  • Base 64 encoded document image

  • Hashed email and mobile number (cannot be decrypted)

Simplified pricing

Calculate costs easily with a flat rate for every successful verification


per successful verification,
for up to 1000 verifications a month

Have higher volumes and need bulk pricing? Talk to our sales team for more flexible options.


What documents can be fetched from DigiLocker?

DigiLocker can be used to fetch 70+ different types of documents, including Aadhaar, PAN, driving license, mark-sheets, ration cards and more.

What is the source of documents fetched through DigiLocker?

DigiLocker has deep integrations with individual government databases for various documents. The information is fetched directly from government sources.

Can only existing users of DigiLocker get verified documents via the wallet?

No, any user who has an Aadhaar can get verified through DigiLocker, even users who are new to the DigiLocker wallet.

Interested in other data blocks for verification?


Get customer details with compliant Aadhaar verification.


Use one API for individuals or businesses to instantly check details from NSDL.