Setu Aadhaar

Get legally compliant KYC completed in minutes

Let customers share Aadhaar number and verify with an OTP sent to their linked mobile number.
Let customers share Aadhaar number and verify with an OTP sent to their linked mobile number. Get a downloadable file—with name, gender, DOB and address—locked by a 4-digit access code provided by your customer.

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Verify Aadhaar while being UIDAI compliant

Embed Setu’s web SDK or build your own screens to verify Aadhaar details.
Simple, customisable UX

Pre-built screens/SDK with custom color scheme, fonts, layouts.

Valid indefinitely

XML data fetched from UIDAI will remain usable in the future, always.

Simplified verification

Your user enters 4 inputs—Aadhaar number, captcha, OTP and share code—to get verified.

Compliance first, always

All our data blocks adhere to latest UIDAI guidelines and data privacy norms.

Combine Aadhaar with Setu DigiLocker for redundancy, better uptimes and higher success rates.

View DigiLocker ↗

Successful verification includes—

  • Name on Aadhaar

  • Masked Aadhaar number

  • Date of birth

  • Gender

  • Complete address

  • Father’s name

  • Base 64 encoded document image

  • Hashed email and mobile number (cannot be decrypted)

Simplified pricing

Calculate costs easily with a flat rate for every successful verification.


per successful verification,
for up to 1000 verifications a month

Have higher volumes and need bulk pricing? Talk to our sales team for more flexible options.


Does Aadhaar verification require biometric input?

Aadhaar OKYC is an OTP-based user verification API. This would not need any biometric inputs from a user.

Does the user need to upload the XML file separately?

No, XML file and corresponding share code will be provided to your business when user completes all steps.

Is Aadhaar number provided in the output?

Storing complete Aadhaar numbers is against UIDAI guidelines. Instead, we respond with a masked Aadhaar number, which can be stored on your end.

Interested in other data blocks for verification?

Setu DigiLocker

Access pre-verified government documents, even for new customers.

Setu PAN

Use one API for individuals or businesses to instantly check details from NSDL.